▶ 为了更好地支持IVD伙伴们业务的发展、缩短产品上市时间、提高效率、并保证产品质量,如您所知,Medix Biochemica分别于2019年和2020年收购了美国公司Lee Biosolutions Inc.及EastCoast Bio以扩充体外诊断原料产品线。
As you know, several years ago, Medix Biochemica acquired Lee Biosolutions Inc. & EastCoast Bio to broaden our invitro diagnostic raw material product and service offerings to better support our customers and help shorten their time to market, increase their efficiency and build quality into their IVD tests.
▶ 在此,我们很高兴地宣布,从2023年4月1日起,这两个公司产品的品牌都将被整合为Medix Biochemica,其公司名称也将改为Medix Biochemica USA Inc.
Effective April 1, 2023, the two companies will become one legal entity known as Medix Biochemica USA Inc.
▶ 根据这个变更,所有于2023年4月1日及之后从美国启运的Lee Bioslutions Inc.和EastCoast Bio产品,其生产商名称均将变更为Medix Biochemica USA Inc.,相关产品文件也将随之变更。
As a result, all transactions for Lee Bioslutions Inc. & EastCoast Bio, that are scheduled to ship on or after April 1st, 2023 will be processed under our new entity name, Medix Biochemica USA Inc.
▶ 尽管Lee Biosolutions Inc.和EastCoast Bio将使用新的名称Medix Biochemica USA Inc.,但重要的是日常与您或您同事对接的Medix Biochemica人员将保持不变。除此之外:
Although Lee Biosolutions Inc. & EastCoast Bio will now be known as Medix Biochemica USA Inc., it is important to note that the dedicated staff will remain the team you and your colleagues interact with on a day-to-day basis. In addition:
There is no change to the location where inventory is stored or the team that picks, packs, and ships our product.
▶ 关于发生变更的方面、以及您可能需要注意的事项,您可以从以下内容了解更多相关信息:
我们的目标是针对所有Medix Biochemica旗下产品提供一个整合的沟通渠道,无论该产品原来是属于哪个品牌,都能让我们的合作伙伴在订购时更方便、并得到相同水平的服务和支持。
What is changing and what action must you take? Please review the details below and see the updated forms at the bottom of this page.
Our goal is to give our customers a unified One Medix Biochemica customer experience with a single point of order and customer support for all Medix Biochemica products irrespective of product company legacy.
Documented below are some additional details to assist with this transition.
· 目录号
Material Numbers
There is no change to our product material numbering. Purchase Orders can be issued with the legacy material number.
· 产品标签及质量相关文件
Product Labelling and Quality Assurance documents
产品标签及质量相关文件将统一采用Medix Biochemica USA Inc作为法定生产商,Medix Biochemica品牌及商标将代替现有品牌或商标。
Product labelling and all quality assurance documents will be revised to identify Medix Biochemica USA Inc. as the legal manufacturer and the Medix Biochemica logo will replace existing logos.
Further information on the scope of these changes is available to download later.
▶ 在此,我们想强调:产品文件中任何关于产品剂型、适用范围、功能等信息都不会有任何变化。
We would stress that there is no change in any document’s statements and the form, fit and function of all products is unchanged.
我们的首要目标是保证一直以来产品质量、服务、及供货的连续性,请知悉,无论是服务还是Medix Biochemica USA Inc.团队的开发、生产及交付的产品质量和水平都保持不变。从我们的生产地、到您的实验室,我们无比珍惜与您的业务,并不断努力为您提供世界级服务。
Our primary objective remains the continuity of product quality, service, and delivery that you have relied on for years. Know that the quality of service and products developed, manufactured, and delivered by our team at Medix Biochemica USA Inc. remains unchanged. From our production floor to your laboratory, we value your business, and continually strive to provide world-class service.
Tel:+86 021-68119180,68119181