• Medix Biochemica全资收购全球领先的体外诊断用基质生产商美国Bioresource Technology Inc. (以下简称“BRT”)
Medix Biochemica has acquired 100 percent of the shares of USA-based Bioresource Technology Inc. ("BRT"), a leading provider of base matrices for the in vitro diagnostics ("IVD") manufacturing industry worldwide
• 通过此次并购,BRT和Medix Biochemica集团高度互补的产品线可全方位满足体外诊断质控品关键原料的需求,并通过Medix Biochemica的既有网络为全球合作伙伴提供服务
As a result of the acquisition, the highly complementary portfolios of BRT and Medix Biochemica now provide a complete offering of critical raw materials for IVD quality control ("QC") products which will be available through Medix Biochemica's comprehensive global sales network
• 此次并购是Medix Biochemica集团实现其成为体外诊断关键原料首选合作伙伴这一战略愿景的又一个重要里程碑,可帮助合作伙伴达到其原料供应链整合的目标。
The acquisition is another important step in the execution of Medix Biochemica's strategy to be the first-choice raw material partner to the IVD industry and help customers' goal to further consolidate their supply chain.
2022年6月20日,芬兰埃斯波 – Medix Biochemica宣布全资收购Bioresource Technology (简称“BRT”) 以扩充其体外诊断用基质原料产品线,并进一步强化其在美国市场的力量。此次并购完成后,Medix Biochemica将为其合作伙伴提供全面的的IVD质控品原料。BRT的组织和运营将和Medix Biochemica集团既有的位于密苏里州圣路易斯的天然抗原、酶、蛋白和生物样本的生产一起,成为体外诊断生物材料部门的重要组成部分。BRT的日常运营将继续保留在佛罗里达州韦斯顿(Weston)进行。BRT主席Derik Reichenbach和首席运营官Ron Dilling将在并购后成为集团的战略顾问。
Espoo, Finland, June 20, 2022 - Medix Biochemica has acquired 100 percent of the shares of Bioresource Technology (“BRT”) to broaden its base matrix capabilities and further strengthen its local presence in the US market. As a result of this partnership, Medix Biochemica will provide its customers with a comprehensive offering of raw materials for their IVD quality control products. The organization and operations of BRT will form a significant part of Medix Biochemica's IVD Biomaterials Business Unit, which also comprises manufacturing of native antigens, enzymes, proteins and biologicals in St. Louis, Missouri. BRT's operations will stay in Weston, Florida, and BRT’s President Derik Reichenbach and CEO Ron Dilling will remain as strategic advisors following the acquisition.
BRT由David Reichenbach博士于1984年创立,是高品质基质及其它体外诊断关键原料的领先供应商,高度专注于为全球免疫、临床生化、分子诊断、及质控品生产商提供原料和服务。公司位于美国佛罗里达州韦斯顿,共有约20名极富经验的专业人员,场地约两万六千平方英尺,所有产品均采用全球领先的工艺进行生产,且生产体系经过ISO 13485:2016认证。
Founded in 1984 by Dr. David Reichenbach, BRT is a leading provider of high-quality base matrices and other critical raw materials for the IVD industry, with a sharp focus on immunoassay, clinical chemistry and molecular diagnostic assay and QC material manufacturers worldwide. The company manufactures its products in a state of the art, ISO 13485:2016 certified, 26,000 square foot facility in Weston, Florida and it employs a highly skilled team of approximately 20 professionals.
“通过并购,我们得以为全球体外诊断公司提供更宽广的产品线。本次并购,两个公司的产品线完美互补。这让Medix Biochemica集团成为有高质量质控品原料需求的IVD公司的全面合作伙伴。基于全面的产品线,包括生物样本、加工后的血浆、基质、天然酶、蛋白、抗体、抗原等,以及我们对行业和技术深刻的理解,无论IVD公司需要什么,我们都可以极大地缩短其产品开发、上市所需的时间。我们的愿景是成为体外诊断行业首选合作伙伴,BRT团队的加入让我们离实现此愿景更近一步”,Medix Biochemica集团首席执行官Steve Ferguson说。
“Together, we have the potential to broaden our offering to IVD companies across the globe. There is an excellent complementary offering between our portfolios, enabling Medix Biochemica to be a comprehensive partner for IVD companies requiring quality raw materials for QC products. With our complete offering of biological samples, processed plasma, base matrices, native enzymes, proteins, antibodies or antigens and our depth of expertise, we can dramatically reduce time to market for IVD companies whatever their need. Our vision is to be the first-choice partner for the IVD industry, and the team at BRT takes us one step closer,” says Steve Ferguson, CEO of Medix Biochemica.
“加入Medix Biochemica集团让我们无比激动”,BRT主席Derik Reichenbach说,“一直以来,与客户建立长期关系都是我们成功的关键。加入Medix Biochemica全球化的团队以后,我们将有机会与全球更多客户建立联系。非常期待我们的加入可以让Medix Biochemica的增长更加强劲。”
“We are excited about joining Medix Biochemica”, says Derik Reichenbach, President of BRT. “Building long-term relationships with our customers have always been key to our success and together with Medix Biochemica's global team, we are now able to reach even more IVD customers across the globe. We are very much looking forward to contributing to the strong growth of Medix Biochemica”.
For more information:
Medix Biochemica中国商务团队
Commercial Team of Medix Biochemica China
Tel +86 21 6811 9180, 6811 9181, 6811 9105
Email: medixchina@medixbiochemica.com
Bioresource Technology LLC.是全球领先的供应商,供应高质量、大批量的加工后血浆及血清基质,为体外诊断质量控制相关产品(诸如质控品、校准品、标准品、及实验室能力考核等)的开发和生产提供关键原料。BRT专注于与试剂厂商合作,提供度身定制的解决方案,满足其对基质各种复杂、严苛而关键的要求,并可以迅速放大生产以支持客户快速增长的需要。
关于Medix Biochemica
作为一家芬兰公司,Medix Biochemica 是体外诊断行业全球领先的关键原料供应商,在世界各地增长迅速。我们为全球合作伙伴开发、生产、供应高品质抗体、抗原及其它体外诊断关键原料,助力全球数十亿患者得到精准诊断结果。从免疫诊断到分子诊断,从生物样本到定制服务,我们的专长覆盖体外诊断的方方面面。在IVD行业,我们拥有全球最全的产品线,久经历炼的团队,我们已经做好一切准备,帮助我们的客户缩短产品上市所需时间、通过提供高品质原料和服务为每一个试剂盒的质量提供坚实保障。不管是哪个疾病领域,不管是哪种应用,在IVD领域,只要您有任何需要,都可能是我们合作的契机。Medix Biochemica集团在全球拥有约300名专业的员工,通过我们在中国、北美、和欧洲的本地团队,我们为全球客户提供服务。
上海墨迪斯医疗技术有限公司 │ 上海市闵行浦江绿洲环路10号6幢(2号楼)11层
电话: +86 21 6811 9180, 6811 9181, 6811 9105 │ 传真: +86 21 6811 9125
邮箱: medixchina@medixbiochemica.com │ 网址: www.cnmedixbiochemica.com