Medix Biochemica通过收购Lee Biosolutions拓展其IVD生物原料业务


• Medix Biochemica签署了收购Lee Biosolutions 100%股权的最终协议,Lee Biosolutions是体外诊断行业的领先供应商,可以提供大量不同的高质量生物原料

Medix Biochemica has signed a definitive agreement to acquire 100 per cent of the shares in Lee Biosolutions, a leading provider of a large variety of high-quality biomaterials for the in vitro diagnostics industry

本次并购进一步扩充了Medix BiochemicaIVD原料领域的产品线,同时为Medix Biochemica在美国市场的进一步增长提供了一个强有力的平台

The acquisition expands Medix Biochemica’s leading portfolio of bioreagents as well as provides Medix Biochemica with a strong platform for further growth in the US market


• Lee BiosolutionsCEO兼董事会主席Burton Lee先生将从日常业务中退出,并成为Medix Biochemica的高级顾问和股东

Burton Lee, the CEO and Chairman of Lee Biosolutions, will step down from daily operations and become a Senior Advisor and shareholder in Medix Biochemica


• Lee Biosolutions的总裁兼COO Matthew Lee先生将继续领导Lee Biosolutions的运营

President and COO Matthew Lee of Lee Biosolutions will continue to head the operations of Lee Biosolutions


本次交易后,Medix BiochemicaLee Biosolutions互补的产品线将可以通过全球销售网络提供给市场

As a result of the transaction, the complementary product portfolios of Medix Biochemica and Lee Biosolutions will be available from a comprehensive global sales network


Medix Biochemica签署了收购Lee Biosolutions 100%股权的最终协议,本次并购进一步扩充了Medix Biochemica在IVD关键原料领域的产品线,并强化了其在美国市场力量。交易后,Lee Biosolutions将成为Medix Biochemica全球架构下的运营中心之一,主要进行IVD行业的生物原料业务。Lee Biosolutions的总裁兼COO,Matthew Lee,先生将带领导运营,并向Medix Biochemica的CEO汇报。Lee Biosolutions的CEO及董事会主席,Burton Lee先生将在过渡期间继续担任高级顾问,作为本次交易的一部分,Burton Lee先生还将成为Medix Biochemica的股东之一。

Medix Biochemica has signed a definitive agreement to acquire 100 percent of the shares of Lee Biosolutions to broaden its portfolio of critical raw materials for the in vitro diagnostics (“IVD”) industry and strengthen its local presence in the US market. Following the transaction, Lee Biosolutions will become a Center of Excellence focused on biomaterials for the IVD industry within Medix Biochemica’s group structure. President and COO of Lee Biosolutions, Matthew Lee, will head its operations and report to the CEO of Medix Biochemica. CEO and Chairman of the Board of Lee Biosolutions, Burton Lee, will continue as Senior Advisor over a transition period and become a shareholder in Medix Biochemica as part of the transaction.


Lee Biosolutions成立于1975年,是一家为IVD行业提供高质量蛋白、酶、抗原、及用于质控和校准品的生物试剂的生产商,并以其出众的蛋白纯化能力、以及原料供应领域卓越的运营水平而知名。Lee Biosolutions的客户遍布全球,覆盖了全球最大的IVD生产商中的绝大部分,以及大量的制药和医疗器械公司、研究所、法医实验室。公司总部座落于美国密苏里州圣路易斯市。

Founded in 1975, Lee Biosolutions is a manufacturer of high-quality proteins, enzymes, antigens and biologicals used for quality controls and calibrators in the IVD industry. The company is known for its outstanding capabilities in protein purification and operational excellence in raw materials sourcing. Lee Biosolutions’ customers include most of the largest global in vitro diagnostics manufacturers as well as a number of pharmaceutical and medical device companies, research institutions and forensic laboratories. The company is headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri.


“我们对于能与Lee Biosolutions成为伙伴而感到激动,它在IVD行业作为高质量的生物原料供应商而享有盛名,并有强劲的财务表现。Lee Biosolutions和Medix Biochemica之间互补的产品线和区域架构将使我们可以在未来更好地为我们全球的客户服务”,Medix Biochemica董事会主席Ann-Christine Sundell女士说道。

“We are excited about the partnership with Lee Biosolutions, which has gained a premium reputation as a provider of high-quality biomaterials for the IVD industry and achieved strong financial results. The complementary product offerings and regional presences of Lee Biosolutions and Medix Biochemica will enable us to serve our global customer base even better in the future”, says Ann-Christine Sundell, Chairman of the Board of Medix Biochemica.


“在Burton Lee先生的领导和主持下,Lee Biosolutions在过去几十年建立了令人印象深刻的产品线、强大的客户基础、以及负责且经验丰富的团队。这次合作是我们成为IVD关键原料领域第一选择的伟大的第一步。“,Medix Biochemica副董事长兼DevCo合伙公司合伙人Teemu Alahuhta表示。

“Lee Biosolutions has, under the leadership and ownership of Burton Lee, built an impressive product portfolio, strong customer base as well as committed and knowledgeable organization over the past decades. This partnership is a great first step in our pursuit to become the #1 choice for the IVD industry in critical raw materials “, says Teemu Alahuhta, Vice Chairman of the Board of Medix Biochemica and partner of DevCo Partners.


“我对于本次并购、以及能与Medix Biochemica和DevCo合伙公司令人惊叹的团队一起工作感到非常激动。合并后我们将拥有成为IVD原料行业巨无霸所需的全部潜质“,Lee Biosolutions 首席执行官和董事会主席Burton Lee说。

“I am very excited about the acquisition and working with an incredible group of Medix Biochemica and DevCo Partners. Together we have all the capabilities to become a juggernaut in the IVD raw materials industry”, says Burton Lee, CEO and Chairman of Lee Biosolutions.

关于 Medix Biochemica

Medix Biochemica是世界领先的芬兰生物技术公司,专注于为全球诊断市场提供高质量的诊断用原料和快速检测试剂。我们为体外诊断行业、包括顶级跨国IVD公司、开发、生产和销售抗体、抗原并提供抗体服务。每年,我们的MedixMAB™抗体被使用于全世界数十亿人份的诊断产品中,以保证其结果的精准。现在,Medix Biochemica的客户遍布全球60多个国家,其90%的销售额来自芬兰以外的国际市场。公司总部位于芬兰埃斯波,在美国和中国设有全资子公司。

Medix Biochemica is a leading Finnish biotechnology company focusing on high quality diagnostic raw materials and rapid tests for global diagnostic markets. We develop, produce and market antibodies, antigens and antibody services for the in vitro diagnostics (IVD) industry and serve the largest multinational IVD companies. Our MedixMAB™ antibodies are in use in billions of diagnostic tests all around the world to ensure accurate diagnostic results. Medix Biochemica’s products are used in over 60 countries with 90% of our sales coming from global markets. The company is headquartered in Espoo, Finland with local offices in the USA and China.






