Dear Valued Customer,
We are writing to inform you that we will be making some formatting changes to our product labels.
自2023年6月起,产品标签上“For research or further manufacturing use only”的描述将被删除;请注意,此描述仍将体现在产品分析证书 (Certificate of Analysis) 中。另外,新的产品标签上将添加二维码,使用公司新的品牌标志,标签内容的布局和格式也会进行更改。
Effective June 2023, we will remove the statement: “For research or further manufacturing use only” from our product labelling. Please note this statement will still be included in the product Certificate of Analysis. We will also add QR-code, update company logo and make formatting / layout changes.
本次变更适用于所有Medix Biochemica芬兰生产的抗体和抗原产品。
These changes apply to all Oy Medix Biochemica Ab manufactured Antibody & Antigen products.
We are very attentive to the issue of sustainable development, so please note that during the year 2023, current item stocks will be used until exhausted to avoid unnecessary waste. Therefore, you may still encounter the old label format on some products.
- 本次变更的范围是什么?
What is in scope of the change?
- 哪些方面不会变更?
What's not changing?
- 目录号、产品名称、有效期和其他产品相关信息将保持不变。
Catalogue number, Product Name, shelf-life and other product information will remain the same.
- 标签变更对于诸如产品或服务的质量水平、产品的生产工艺、配方、剂型、适用范围、功能、验证方法、检测方法或放行标准均没有任何影响。
The label changes do not affect the form, fit, function; manufacturing process; release criteria of our products; or the level of quality of product or service provided.
Medix Biochemica将一如既往为您提供高品质产品和服务,助力您提升效率。
We remain committed to providing you with the highest quality products and services, to help you increase your efficiency.
您可以通过电话:+86 21 6811 9181, 6811 9180,与我们的客户服务部门联系;还可以联系您的对接客户经理;亦或通过邮箱 medixchina@medixbiochemica.com 与我们沟通。
Should you have any questions, please call a member of our Customer Service Department by calling +86 21 6811 9181, 6811 9180 or contact your Medix Biochemica representative. Alternatively, we can be reached by email at: medixchina@medixbiochemica.com.
Medix Biochemica China